Monday, August 06, 2007

Nus is out to drive me crazy I tell you. I had just decided to check my email, and guess what I received. A LEETER OF ALLOCATION OF A ROOM AT PGP. Normally, I should be jumping for joy. The thing is, they sent me the email at 11.28 am this morning. I checked my email only an hour ago AND THE CHECK IN DATE IS TODAY. Now isn't that really smart of them? Plus, I don't even know if my mum stills et aside the money for it or not. Sheesh. This really caught me off guard, and I don't know if I should accept the room or not.

To top it off, this bidding system is really getting on my nerves. The no. of bidders just keep climbing, and for both the modules I bid for, the highest is 1000! I can't even meet the half way point. Sigh. I wish the bidding round would close RIGHT NOW.

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